The vision of the supernatural school is to walk in partnership with God and to help others do the same.

We believe in people because God believes in people, we have seen from the crucifixion he has invested much in man, and we are called to be a part in revealing what he has invested for mankind and for his son.

We are conscious of God and his words from the bible for mankind and believe the hardship to come will be unbearable for those who do not have a right relationship with God and do not know their purpose in that relationship.

At the school we want to encourage you to be sensitive to the path the Holy Spirit has put you on. We will create an environment where development is supported.

Our core Biblical Values is to keep this short list central, and always before us

The bible as our final authority, prayer, worship, Love God, and Love of others. courage, and being peacemakers not compromisers, and destroyers of every evil work

Our Values

Ministry .

We are all called to do it, but how we do it may be unique to everyone. So mentoring is a key component to walking in spirit and in truth, to grow the heart not just the gift.


The fundamentals of new creation realities in relation to the commission ,we are not a bible school despite being bible trained. Our focus -personal development for your commission.

The word of God is the sole authority.

We take the prophetic word of seriously concerning people and God purposes on the earth.

Good work takes time.

So don’t see the time limits, all who come are interviewed to make sure we are a good fit for them and if we can work together, they are as family. We don’t give all the answers and neither pretend to know them, we believe as we walk together God will reveal them.

There is a war going on

We believe in this time we all have a part to play, and that the world needs us , we may be the last defense for many, so we focus on not feeling good, but on working with God to rescue what remains.