False Authority

Will ministers be accountable for solidifying and perpetuating false authority?

Will God call them out of ministry?

Even for a time?

Are you also asking the question; what is false authority?

False authority is when you make people subservient to you, forcing submission, making harsh statements that take advantage of people.

An example of such a statement: "Serving me is serving the Lord."

Signs of false authority are being ignored, and people are being intimidated and trapped by Pastors, ministers and leaders who are actually meant to be serving the people.

It is almost akin to how the government in America are running things.

The government was designed to serve the people, not the people serving the government.

With such treatment of Gods children, I soon realized that us ordained ministers are in trouble!

We have restrained Gods sheep, encouraging them to listen to our voice rather than his.

Even when we quote scripture, somehow we leave the people waiting on our direction, waiting on our voice, and our directive, more than being attentive to the King himself.

“We have a format, and woe to him who breaks it!”

Is this right?

How do you know its false? Try and leave!

Apollos Constantine

Helping saints walk in the biblical world view of the supernatural.


Surgical Ministry


Judgment Begins In The House of God!